Strategic consultancy excellence

Empowering your business success with Nimasc


Peter Nagle's consulting expertise for business transformation

Peter Nagle is a dynamic and accomplished consultant who brings a wealth of global experience and a proven track record of driving growth and managing successful teams.

Peter's extensive expertise ranges across a multitude of financial services firms including working for AIB, JP Morgan, Standard Chartered Bank, SANNE Plc and Harneys Fiduciary. To date Peter has worked and lived in 5 countries including Singapore, Hong Kong, Ireland, Mauritius and currently based in Malta.

grayscale photo of flying airplane
grayscale photo of flying airplane

With a keen eye for growth opportunities, Peter has successfully implemented strategies that significantly boosted sales and revenue. At a FTSE 250 plc, he created and managed a high-performing sales team, achieving a remarkable 40% increase in new sales within a single year. Similarly, his leadership at JP Morgan led to the successful launch of a product line, generating revenue increases of 26% and 32% in the first and second years, respectively.

His strategic acumen extends to his operational prowess. Peter has managed global operations spanning 20 countries and involving 1,700 staff and $500 billion in assets. As a 'C' Suite member for a FTSE 250 PLC and CEO of a global private company, he has a deep understanding of complex business dynamics and the leadership skills required to manage large, successful teams with high morale and low turnover.

Peter's strategic capabilities are further reflected in his extensive experience in Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), operations, client service, and business strategy. He combines his broad understanding of global markets with a keen sense of the future, positioning businesses for sustained growth and success.

Complementing his extensive experience, Peter holds an MBA from the Smurfit Business School, Dublin, and certificates in Disruptive Marketing and Blockchain Strategy from the Said Business School, Oxford University. This solid academic foundation amplifies his understanding of business dynamics and informs his approach to strategic planning and execution, reinforcing his value as a consultant.

Peter Nagle offers the unique combination of strategic acumen, operational experience, and proven leadership, making him a valuable asset to any organization seeking a consultant to drive growth and innovation.

Peter works with a range of top class consultants to ensure the best possible service is given to our clients.